Young Systematists’ Forum (#YSF2020)
The annual Young Systematists’ Forum represents an exciting setting for postgraduate students and early postdoctoral researchers to present their work
Brussels, Belgium [16]
Lisbon, Portugal [5]
London, UK [5]
Vienna, Austria [5]
Rome, Italy [4]
Ispra, Italy [4]
Dublin, Ireland [3]
Ghent, Belgium [3]
The annual Young Systematists’ Forum represents an exciting setting for postgraduate students and early postdoctoral researchers to present their work
Running Full Speed on the Invasive Treadmill: Biocontrol of Weeds in Florida
BES Citizen Science - engagement, marketing, motivation and change.
7TH EMB FORUM - BIG DATA IN MARINE SCIENCE: Supporting the European Green deal, the EU Biodiversity strategy, and the digital twin ocean
ASEAN Fall Armyworm Biocontrol Webinar Series (Part 3) : Augmentation & Conservation
The #EURegionsWeek is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to regional policy
X. fastidiosa has a broad range of host plants, including many crops and common wild plants.
ASEAN Fall Armyworm Biocontrol Webinar Series (Part 2) : Biopesticides
Horizon scanning for invasive non-native species with the potential to threaten biodiversity and ecosystems, human health and economies in Britain