EASIN welcomes scientists, policy makers and the general public to contribute to the necessary updated scientific information required to tackle biological invasions.
You can contribute to EASIN project by:
Becoming a Data Partner sharing datasets of your project (find an example below);
Joining the Editorial Board , and contribute to taking care of scientific discussion and data quality;
Share your recently published research or management results on alien species (taxonomy, distribution, measures, best practices, guidelines…); to enrich the information in the EASIN Catalogue in the Alien Species Geodatabase and in Documentation and give more visibility to your work;
Reporting observations of invasive alien species of Union concern using the "Invasive Alien Species in Europe" app;
Sharing with us pictures of alien species and citizen science actions for communication purposes through social media and email.
Scientists, Projects and Organizations willing to share geospatial information about alien species in Europe via EASIN are invited to contact us at JRC-EASIN(at)ec.europa.eu, to become Data partner and to agree on the most suitable data sharing solution depending on the format of the available information (Excel files, shapefiles, databases, web services...).
To provide alien species lists, please use this excel form.
To provide Geospatial data of alien species, please use this excel form.