European Alien Species Information Network - Web Services

EASIN Geospatial Web Service for Authenticated Users

This version of the EASIN Geospatial Web Service is dedicated to authenticated users and allows to retrieve species occurrences in trunks up 10000 records even without specifying a particular species.

How it works

This version of our Geospatial RESTful web service is conceived to be used in machine-to-machine data transfers by the means of HTTPS POST calls executed by a User’s client app or script, submitting request parameters as a JSON object in the request body, and receiving information still in JSON format.

After an initial registration and email confirmation, Users can call the web service by submitting their credentials along with any service call. The HTTPS channel ensures the confidentiality of Users’ credentials.

For non-technical audience: please note web services are not web applications, hence apart from this guide explaining its functions, a user’s interface allowing to interact with the service cannot be put in place. For the usage of this web service, like any other web service, please use common applications available for download, e.g. Telerik Fiddler, or code your own script (e.g. through Curl) or custom applications. The intended audience of this guide is technicians understanding the web, the http/s protocol, the REST paradigm, scripting and coding capabilities.

User’s registration

Step One

POST the service endpoint at submitting a JSON in the request body having the following format:

    "Email": "youremail@yourdomain",
    "Password": "yourpassword",
    "ConfirmPassword": "yourpassword"

The request header must contain a JSON MIME type: ‘Content-Type: application/json’. The user will receive in its client a message confirming the sending of an email containing the link to be clicked.

Step Two

The User is to click on the received link in order to confirm the existence of its email address. A basic message is displayed in the User’s web browser saying the email is now confirmed and the web service usage can start.

Please note: Users having an EU-Login account must use an email account other than the one used in EU-Login.

Getting species occurrences

To retrieve and get species occurrences, the User client has to POST a call to still having a JSON MIME Type entry in the request header.

The request body must contain a JSON object formed like the following:

    "Email": "youremail@yourdomain",
    "Password": "yourpassword",
    "speciesId": "[EASIN Species ID] or 'ALL'",
    "countryCode": "A country code or an empty string",
    "dataPartners": "comma separated list of Data Partners ID",
    "excludePartners": 0 or 1,
    "skip": number of record to skip (the offset),
    "take": number or record to take (the fetch)

Parameters explanation: