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EASIN - European Alien Species Information Network
Beware of Aliens
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Invasive alien species (IAS) are a major threat to biodiversity, ecosystems, and the way we live.

The DG ENVIRONMENT of European Commission launched in 2022 an initiative to raise awareness on IAS amongst stakeholders and citizens, which entailed workshops in several EU countries and consensus on key messages. A package of information material was produced.

Here you can find posters, animations and other resources for raising awareness about IAS. Please download them for use to inform and educate people about biological invasions. We have also included a manual to guide you in communicating about this important issue. Thanks you for playing a part in increasing understanding of IAS!

Other information campaigns

Check, clean and dry” is an information campaign run by GB Non-Native Species Secretariat to raise awareness amongst water user, who may unknowingly be helping to spread invasive species from one water body to another in equipment, shoes and clothing and “Be Plant Wise”, launched by DEFRA (UK) and run by the National Biodiversity Network, aims at raising awareness on the proper management of gardens, ponds, and safe disposal of plant material, to avoid the spread of IAS.