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EASIN - European Alien Species Information Network
Baseline Distribution of Invasive Alien Species of Union Concern

The knowledge of the distribution of invasive alien species (IAS) listed as of Union concern at European Union level supports the organization of national surveillance and monitoring systems, bridging collaboration on species management between EU Member States across borders and in shared geographical areas.

An updated knowledge of the distribution of species also helps evaluating the efficacy of measures implemented and the reporting obligations on Member States. The baseline constitutes also a factual basis for the review of the application of the IAS Regulation, and for monitoring the achievement of Target 5 of the EU Biodiversity Strategy and other relevant EU policies.

The fruitful collaboration between DG Environment, Member States Competent Authorities and EASIN has led to the preparation of baseline distributions of invasive alien species of Union Concern under EU Regulation 1143/2014. The baselines are the result of an assessment of occurrence and distribution data aggregated through EASIN submitted for verification to all Member States Competent Authorities, following the guidance of a protocol.