Xth International EMCA Conference
10th EMCA Conference: “New insights into mosquito and blackfly control”
Brussels, Belgium [16]
Lisbon, Portugal [5]
London, UK [5]
Vienna, Austria [5]
Rome, Italy [4]
Ispra, Italy [4]
Ghent, Belgium [3]
Madrid, Spain [3]
10th EMCA Conference: “New insights into mosquito and blackfly control”
The Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) organize the 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science (ISRS).
The Citizen Science Session of the EGU General Assembly 2019 aims to reach a wide audience, including current Earth System citizen science practitioners as well as researchers who are new to citizen science.
The Conference Preparing Europe for invasion by the beetles emerald ash borer and bronze birch borer, two major tree-killing pests, will be held in Vienna, Austria, on 1-4 October 2018.
Distribution, Provenances, Reproduction, Management, Growth potential, Ecosystem services, Biotic and abiotic threats, Market potential, Public perception, and more.