CitizenScience [70]
AlienSpecies [47]
Catalogue [36]
IAS [33]
Biodiversity [33]
EURegulation [29]
JRC [23]
DataPartner [21]
EASINTeam [18]
IASApp [17]
EASIN [17]
Invasive [17]
EASIN is looking for a trainee in the context of its activities on alien species
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) wants to contribute to the understanding of the role of citizens in the digital transformation of society.
The development of new technologies such as smartphone applications can support the generation of citizens’ georeferenced records of Invasive Alien Species (IAS), and complement professional observations schemes.
Xylella fastidiosa is a vector-transmitted bacterial plant pathogen, causing a variety of diseases to a broad range of host plants, with huge economic impact for agriculture.