Welcome to the new EASIN Team Member
We warmly welcome to EASIN Team Celia López Cañizares, who has recently joined JRC as a trainee, and will be working on Citizen Science, science and outreach communication.
CitizenScience [71]
AlienSpecies [48]
Catalogue [36]
IAS [33]
Biodiversity [33]
EURegulation [29]
JRC [24]
DataPartner [21]
EASINTeam [19]
IASApp [17]
EASIN [17]
Invasive [17]
We warmly welcome to EASIN Team Celia López Cañizares, who has recently joined JRC as a trainee, and will be working on Citizen Science, science and outreach communication.
We warmly welcome to EASIN Team Ioannis Giovos, marine biologist with a background on conservation of Mediterranean endangered marine megafauna species.
Biological invasions can cause high costs to the environment and socio-economy. However, the impacts caused by alien species vary between species and contexts and there is substantial debate on their severity and scale.
Bart has a BSc in Biology from the University of Utrecht, and undertook an Erasmus exchange in Helsinki, where he studied the ecology and biota of boreal ecosystems. The main focus of his bachelor degree was on Ecology.
Gemechis is a software developer working at the Water Resources Unit of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of JRC.
The EASIN Enlargement Workshop took place on 6-7 October 2015, in JRC, Ispra.
The 3rd EASIN Enlargement Workshop took place on 9-10 February 2016, in JRC, Ispra.
The team of the European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN), from the Joint Research Centre (JRC), organised a meeting at Hotel Europa, Ispra, Italy, on 6-7 December 2012.