EASIN - European Alien Species Information Network
EASIN 2nd Enlargement and Integration Action Workshop and Training
The EASIN Enlargement Workshop took place on 6-7 October 2015, in JRC, Ispra.
The EASIN Enlargement Workshop took place on 6-7 October 2015, in JRC, Ispra.
The aim of the workshop was
a) to increase awareness about EASIN and its role as information supporting system assisting Member States in the implementation of the EU Regulation (1143/2014),
b) to establish collaborations amongst the scientific network and increase the number of EASIN data partners, and
c) to address data standardization issues and protocols for sharing information on alien species.
In total, representatives from 11 different databases and organizations on alien species participated in the workshop, targeting to the establishment of linkage and possible collaboration with EASIN.
We would like to thank them all for their participation and for ensuring the success of the workshop.