IAS Europe app update
The new release of the Invasive Alien Species Europe App v2.3.0 is available
CitizenScience [70]
AlienSpecies [47]
Catalogue [36]
IAS [33]
Biodiversity [33]
EURegulation [29]
JRC [23]
DataPartner [21]
EASINTeam [18]
IASApp [17]
EASIN [17]
Invasive [17]
The new release of the Invasive Alien Species Europe App v2.3.0 is available
The “Invasive Alien Species Europe” smartphone App allows citizens to report sightings of the invasive alien species of Union Concern and take pictures together with complementary information about their observations.
The Invasive Alien Species in Europe App allows citizens to report the presence of IAS of Union concern on the European territory. Data quality assurance of the observations gathered through the App is a major concern.
The new release of the “Invasive Alien Species in Europe” smartphone App, developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, is available.
Strengthening the link between IAS apps data and policy: Development of an appropriate governance framework - Preliminary results
European policies decision making process is supported by scientific evidence to which citizens can contribute, under the concept of Citizen Science.
A second release of the Smart App "Invasive Alien Species Europe" is now available. The upgrade contains 11 additional alien species of Union concern, published by means of the Commission Implementing Regulation 1263/2017, bringing the total to 48 species.