EASIN Species Search and Mapping service facilitates the exploration of alien species information from distributed data sources.
EASIN Species Search and Mapping service facilitates the exploration of alien species information from distributed data sources. It offers various ways to search for alien species and makes aggregation of data on alien species occurring in Europe included in the EASIN catalogue. The service has been updated, and it is now possible to filter species which are native to only part of Europe. This allows to differentiate the distribution of species native to some parts of Europe but alien in others on the same map. This is the case for more than 5,000 species recorded in EASIN catalogue, which are partly native to some European countries. One example is the silver fir (Abies alba). The picture shows its native distribution (Central and Southern regions) and alien range (West and Northern areas) at country level. Try the "advance search" tool to find the alien species with partial native range in Europe in: http://alien.jrc.ec.europa.eu/SpeciesMapper