EASIN - European Alien Species Information Network
New EASIN paper published: “Alien species information in Europe: quality assurance, data exchange and sharing through the EASIN Editorial Board”
A recently published JRC-led article presents the role and activities of the EASIN Editorial Board (EB), a voluntary group of taxonomic experts responsible for data quality assurance and updates of the EASIN catalogue.
A recently published JRC-led article presents the role and activities of the EASIN Editorial Board (EB), a voluntary group of taxonomic experts responsible for data quality assurance and updates of the EASIN catalogue.
The EB is supported by a web platform that facilitates online discussions about alien species.
This platform creates a virtual community by providing a forum-like interface that is moderated by the EB Members but is freely accessible to the scientific community and the general public. It allows all registered users to make comments, raise questions and share experience and expertise on alien species in Europe. Moreover, it provides a means for exchanging opinions and solving disputes in a transparent way.
The overall EB activity is commonly agreed upon procedures and standards.
Tsiamis K, Gervasini E, D’Amico F, Deriu I, Katsanevakis S, Crocetta F, Zenetos A, Arianoutsou M, Backeljau T, Bariche M, Bazos I, Bertaccini A, Brundu G, Carrete M, Cinar ME, Curto G, Faasse M, Justine JL, Kiraly G, Langer MR, Levitt Y, Panov VE, Piraino S, Rabitsch W, Roques A, Scalera R, Shenkar N, Sirbu I, Tricarico E, Vannini A, Vollestad LA, Zikos A, Cardoso AC, 2016. The EASIN Editorial Board: quality assurance, exchange and sharing of alien species information in Europe. Management of Biological invasions