IAS of Union concern included in services and tools
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1203, amending Regulation (EU) 2016/1141 to update the list, added 22 new Invasive Alien Species (IAS) of Union concern, bringing the total of regulated species to 88.
Following this implementation, the EASIN services and tools have been updated:
The EASIN catalogue includes now 14,263 alien species. All species, included the 88 IAS of Union concern, can be searched through the EASIN Species Search and Mapping tool to obtain information on taxonomy, pathways and distribution in Europe.
EU Member States must use the EASIN Notification System (Notsys) to notify the Commission and inform the other Member States as required by Reg. 1143/2014 of new detections of IAS of Union concern and related eradication measures, including the new added species.
In addition, it is now possible to report the presence of all IAS of Union concern through the "IAS in Europe" Citizen Science app. The 22 added species have been updated in English and more languages will follow.
All the information on the IAS Regulation
All the information on the EASIN Catalogue
More information on Notsys
Discover the IAS in Europe app