RELIONMED is a four year project, funded by the EU LIFE instrument, aiming to set the basis for the mitigation of lionfish impacts through the development of an early warning and response system and the development of best practices for its control.
RELIONMED is a four year project, funded by the EU LIFE instrument, aiming to set the basis for the mitigation of lionfish impacts through the development of an early warning and response system and the development of best practices for its control.
RELIONMED started in September 2017 and encompasses several activities strongly relying on citizen scientists’ and stakeholders’ participation. Among others, it will develop tools, manuals and guidelines to stimulate the uptake of lionfish management practices; it will demonstrate the effectiveness of manually removing the lionfish from priority habitats, promote cooperation and build environmental awareness to citizens by tailored training. The partners of the project include the University of Cyprus, Marine and Environmental Research Lab Ltd., the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research of Cyprus, Enalia Physis Environmental Research Centre and the University of Plymouth.