EASIN - European Alien Species Information Network
EASIN 2nd Enlargement and Integration Action Workshop and Training has been announced
EASIN is seeking additional collaborations with Research Institutes, National Authorities, experts and relevant stakeholders to further improve the available information on IAS on a European level.
EASIN is seeking additional collaborations with Research Institutes, National Authorities, experts and relevant stakeholders to further improve the available information on IAS on a European level.
Interested new partners would benefit from the EASIN tools and services but also from their increased visibility through the EASIN platform.
The workshop will focus on the expansion of EASIN, especially by including offline databases that exist in institutes or national repositories and are not accessible to the scientific community. Furthermore, an interactive training for the practical utilisation of EASIN will organised.
Place & Time: 6-7 October 2015, Italy, Ispra, JRC
Participants profile: Scientists and data base managers that own, represent or manage national or regional biodiversity information systems and databases, including large-scale personal databases. Participants from New EU Member States, EU Candidate Countries, EU Potential Candidate Countries and European Neighbourhood Policy Countries are strongly encouraged to participate.
Deadline for application: postponed to 8th of June.