IAS in the Danube Region
A pilot study tested the use of the JRC smartphone app ‘Invasive Alien Species in Europe’ in the Lower Danube Region (Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia). The work included a series of field-testing campaigns at the “Joint Danube Survey 4 campaign” and the development of a priority list of invasive alien species (IAS) for the Danube River Basin (DRB), allowing the recording of 64 IAS of DRB concern.
The updated JRC IAS app has an important role in increasing public awareness on IAS issues, as well as in enlarging the participation and output of citizen science early detection, monitoring and reporting of IAS in target regions.
In addition, the communication with relevant stakeholder groups and establishment of new groups of citizen scientists is crucial for increasing the use of the IAS app in the Danube Region and the effectiveness of the IAS management.
For more information: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/13/21/2952