EASIN - European Alien Species Information Network
BioBlitz, a successful citizen science concept for biological surveying
Citizen science programs aim at bridging the gap between science and the general public, actively involving citizens in collaborative projects with professional scientists.
Citizen science programs aim at bridging the gap between science and the general public, actively involving citizens in collaborative projects with professional scientists. BioBlitz is a very successful citizen science concept contributing to the knowledge and protection of biodiversity. BioBlitzes are defined as biological surveying events that focus on finding and identifying as many species as possible within a designated area, over a short period of time (usually 24 hours).
After the first BioBlitz event in 1996 in Washington D.C., the concept has rapidly spread and nowadays hundreds of BioBlitzes take place every year around the world, engaging scientists, naturalists, families, kids, students, teachers and other community members. For encouraging public participation, Bioblitzes are often held in urban green areas or natural parks close to the cities.