European Alien Species Information Network - Editorial Board

Welcome to EASIN Editorial Board

The European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN; was launched by JRC in 2012, aiming at facilitating access to data and information on alien species in Europe. Data retrieved by EASIN from distributed sources, are harmonized and integrated, following international standards and protocols. EASIN offers flexible and efficient search and mapping online tools and services for the retrieval of related information.

The EASIN Catalogue is in the core of the system. This catalogue was based on an inventory of reported alien species in Europe that was produced by reviewing and standardizing information from 43 online databases. It includes information on taxonomy, synonyms, common names, year and country of first introduction in Europe, status, pathways of introduction, native range in Europe (if relevant), and impact. EASIN catalogue entails the basic information needed to efficiently link to existing online databases and retrieve spatial information for alien species distribution in Europe. It is important that the EASIN catalogue remains continuously up-dated and respects high quality standards.

The EASIN Editorial Board (EB) is the key tool for the quality assurance of the EASIN Catalogue. The Members of the Editorial Board are taxonomic experts responsible for specific groups of species. The current platform allows registered users to make suggestions for corrections/additions to the EASIN catalogue e.g. in relation to nomenclature, status of a species, missing species, pathways of introduction etc. A registered user can open a discussion by raising a Ticket about a species, which will be assigned to the relevant EB Member. The discussion takes place among EB Members and registered users and at the end of it, the Ticket will be rejected or accepted, and a Notification including the new species data will be sent to the EASIN Catalogue Master, who will be responsible for updating the EASIN Catalogue.

The EASIN Team